
'The journey is the destination'

In 2022 I’ll start my world trip.  A real world trip!! ….so not only a road trip in Asia, but a plan to visit all seven continents – including icy Antarctica. I’ll be visiting 21 countries in tw0-and-a-half year. At this page I’ll share my adventures and inside knowledge as a round-the-world-traveler with you! Maybe you’ll get inspired to go on a trip as well, maybe even a world trip. Who knows…

So, my goal is to see all seven continents. So, I definitely want to see one country in each continent. After a long research and prioritizing I came up with the next 21 places to go, in order of my planning (where I’ll start and end):  

Correction: Canada – Iceland – Argentina – Antarctica – Chile – Peru – Canada – Alaska – Mexico – Guatemala – Honduras – Nicaragua – Costa Rica – Panama – Netherlands – Russia – Nepal – Malaysia – Thailand – Laos – Vietnam – Cambodia – New Zealand – Netherlands – South Africa 

On the map below you can see where I’ve been (or planning to go). If you click on a continent you go to the page of that continent with my destinations. There you can read more about my travel stories, video’s and must Do’s and don’ts.   

my destinations

8 steps preparing a world trip

Planning a world trip is fun, but can be really overwhelming. First I didn’t know where to start. I wanted to go everywhere! What helped me was planning it step by step. In the link below I’ll share my eight steps in planning my world trip

Follow me

In January 2022 my world trip started. I’m going to visit 22 countries in 2,5 years of time. My first destination is Canada. Do you want to follow my world trip step by step? Then click on the link below and then go to the next stop, and the next, and so go on.

travel blog posts


Hidden treasures


The cultural city of Yucatan


a skyscraper view over the Rockies


History of the Inca's


Where old traditions are still alive


The main capital of Peru


The European city of Argentina


Antarctica from another perspective


Unexpected visit in Icy Iceland


A week of new experiences


Who doesn't love gadgets?