The art of thankfulness

By Jaimy de Vries

Hey there, fellow adventurers on the journey of life! Today, we’re embarking on a quest to explore the magical realm of gratitude – that mystical force that can transform even the dreariest of days into something bright and beautiful. So, grab your cloak of curiosity and let’s dive into the enchanting world of thankfulness!

Secret ingredient

Picture this: Thankfulness is like a secret that transforms your outlook on life into a colorful adventure! It’s the key that unlocks the door to a world filled with positivity and happiness. Think about it – when we sprinkle a little gratitude into our daily routine, it’s like adding a dash of glitter to an otherwise ordinary day. Suddenly, everything seems brighter, lighter, and much more fun!

“Imagine waking up in the morning, stretching your limbs, and taking a deep breath of fresh air. Sounds simple, right? Yet, that act alone is a blessing that many around the world do not have the luxury to experience. Consider the fact that you have a roof over your head and food on your table – already, you are more blessed than over half of the people on this planet. However, we often fail to pause and acknowledge these simple yet profound blessings. Instead, we find ourselves caught up in longing for what we don’t have, perpetually chasing after a mirage of greener pastures. But, as the saying goes, ‘the grass is always greener on the other side.’ It’s moments like these that remind us to appreciate the abundance that surrounds us, even in life’s seemingly ordinary moments.”

Power of positive thinking

Now, let’s talk about the power of positive thinking. It’s like having a trusty sidekick on your adventure through life – always there to cheer you on and help you conquer any challenge that comes your way. And guess what? Thankfulness is the secret identity of that trusty sidekick! The more we focus on the good stuff – the little moments that make us smile, the acts of kindness that warm our hearts – the more positive vibes we attract into our lives. It’s like a magnetic force of joy that pulls us towards happiness with every step we take.

Gratitude, in its essence, is the heartfelt acknowledgment of the good things in our lives, big and small. It’s like a superpower that we all possess – the ability to see the goodness around us, even in challenging times, and appreciate it. But what’s truly remarkable about gratitude is its profound impact on our happiness and well-being.

You see, research in positive psychology has shown that gratitude isn’t just a fleeting emotion – it’s a powerful tool for enhancing our overall happiness and life satisfaction. When we cultivate a mindset of gratitude, we train our brains to focus on the positive aspects of our lives, rather than dwelling on the negatives. This shift in perspective can have profound effects on our mental and emotional well-being.

For starters, practicing gratitude can significantly reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. By focusing on the blessings in our lives, we’re able to counteract the negativity bias of the brain and cultivate a sense of inner peace and resilience. Studies have even shown that gratitude interventions, such as keeping a gratitude journal or writing thank-you letters, can be as effective as medication or therapy in treating depression and anxiety.

But the benefits of gratitude extend far beyond just our mental health – it also has tangible effects on our physical well-being. Research has shown that grateful individuals tend to experience fewer aches and pains, lower blood pressure, and better immune function. By fostering positive emotions like gratitude, we’re able to reduce the harmful effects of stress on our bodies and promote overall health and longevity.

Furthermore, gratitude is like a magnet for positive relationships. When we express gratitude towards others, whether it’s a simple thank-you or a heartfelt gesture of appreciation, we strengthen the bonds of connection and foster a sense of mutual trust and respect. Grateful individuals are more empathetic, compassionate, and generous, leading to deeper and more fulfilling relationships with friends, family, and colleagues.

Making thankfulness a habit is like training for a marathon of positivity. At first, it might feel like doing push-ups for your brain – a little tough and maybe even a bit awkward. But with practice, it becomes as natural as riding a unicorn through a rainbow-filled sky! Suddenly, your subconscious mind becomes a treasure hunter, seeking out all the little nuggets of goodness hiding in plain sight.

So, my fellow adventurers, let us journey forth with hearts full of gratitude and spirits as bright as the stars. For in embracing the magic of thankfulness, we unlock the key to a life filled with joy, love, and endless possibilities. And remember, the greatest adventure of all is the journey of gratitude itself.

I have a handy guide for you to kickstart this grand adventure.

Unlocking the Power of Gratitude: Why Training is Key

While the concept of gratitude may seem simple, cultivating a spirit of thankfulness often requires intentional effort and practice for several reasons:

  1. Negativity Bias: Humans have a natural tendency to focus on negative experiences over positive ones, known as the negativity bias. This bias served as a survival mechanism in our evolutionary past, helping us to identify and avoid potential threats. However, in modern times, it can lead us to overlook or discount the positive aspects of our lives. Training ourselves to be more thankful helps counteract this bias by intentionally directing our attention towards the good things in our lives.

  2. Habit Formation: Like any skill or behavior, gratitude is something that can be cultivated and strengthened over time through repetition and practice. By making gratitude a daily habit, such as through journaling or mindfulness exercises, we train our brains to recognize and appreciate the blessings in our lives more readily. Over time, this practice becomes ingrained in our thought patterns and behaviors, leading to a more consistently thankful outlook.

  3. Social Comparison: In today’s interconnected world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others, particularly through social media. This comparison often leads to feelings of envy, inadequacy, and a focus on what we lack rather than what we have. Training ourselves to be more thankful helps shift our focus away from external measures of success or achievement and towards our own unique blessings and accomplishments.

  4. Resilience Building: Cultivating a spirit of thankfulness can also help build resilience in the face of adversity. When we experience challenges or setbacks, having a strong foundation of gratitude can provide us with a sense of perspective and resilience. Rather than dwelling on what went wrong, we can draw on our gratitude practice to find silver linings, lessons learned, and sources of strength and support.

Overall, while gratitude may come more naturally to some than others, training ourselves to create a spirit of thankfulness is a valuable investment in our overall well-being and happiness. By intentionally practicing gratitude, we can rewire our brains, cultivate a more positive mindset, and unlock the countless benefits that come with embracing thankfulness in our daily lives.



A guide to the art of thankfulness

For the past five years, I’ve immersed myself in the practice of gratitude. In my quest for happiness, I delved into the realms of positive psychology, uncovering scientifically proven strategies to cultivate gratitude and enrich overall well-being. Through diligent practice and personal experience, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of these techniques. Thus, I’ve come to understand that gratitude is not only an art but also the foundational cornerstone in the journey toward a happier life. Now, allow me to extend a hand and guide you on this voyage of gratitude. Together, let’s navigate the path ahead with a newfound appreciation for life’s treasures and uncover the hidden gems that await us along the way.

Begin your gratitude journey by focusing on the little things in life. Take a moment each day to reflect on three things you’re grateful for. It could be as simple as the sun shining through your window, a warm cup of tea, or a friendly smile from a stranger.

Begin your gratitude journey by focusing on the little things in life. Take a moment each day to reflect on three things you’re grateful for. It could be as simple as the sun shining through your window, a warm cup of tea, or a friendly smile from a stranger.


Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine by being present in the moment. Take a mindful walk outdoors and soak in the sights, sounds, and sensations around you. Pause to appreciate the beauty of nature, the warmth of the sun on your skin, or the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. Being mindful allows you to fully experience the richness of life and cultivates a sense of gratitude for the wonders all around you.

Don’t keep your gratitude to yourself – share it with others! Take the time to express appreciation for the people in your life. Send a heartfelt thank-you note, give someone a compliment, or perform random acts of kindness. The simple act of expressing gratitude not only strengthens your relationships but also spreads joy to those around you.

When faced with difficulties or setbacks, try to find something to be grateful for. Perhaps it’s a lesson learned, a silver lining in the situation, or the support of loved ones. Shifting your perspective from what’s going wrong to what you can be thankful for can help you navigate challenges with resilience and grace.

Before you sleep, take a moment to recall three things you’re grateful for from the day. Reflect on moments of joy, comfort, or laughter, no matter how small. Let these thoughts fill you with warmth as you drift off to sleep.

Personally, I love to engage in a little bedtime routine with my partner. As we lie in bed together, I often “bother” him with the question, “What are you grateful for today?” I find that this simple practice helps us end the day on a positive note. Most often, we’re grateful for moments we’ve shared together or qualities we appreciate in each other. This practice has also had a positive effect on our relationship, fostering deeper connection and appreciation.

Ending your day with gratitude not only fosters appreciation but also promotes a peaceful night’s rest, leaving you with sweet dreams and a refreshed spirit come morning.

Before we bid adieu, let’s add a bit of lightheartedness to our gratitude journey. Remember, gratitude isn’t just a destination – it’s the scenic route that makes the adventure of life so delightful! So, as we navigate through the twists and turns of each day, let’s pack our bags with laughter, fill our hearts with joy, and dance through the journey of thankfulness with a skip in our step and a twinkle in our eye. After all, who said gratitude couldn’t be a little fun? Here’s to a life filled with gratitude and all the unexpected joy it brings!”